Empower Girls
Transform the World
Free Education Books Uniform

Mohioshi strives to empower women and girls in rural Bangladesh with scholarships that enable them to continue their education, from primary through higher education.

About us
In rural Bangladesh, many girls are denied education due to poverty, gender discrimination, and lack of resources. Without access to education, their potential is left untapped, perpetuating cycles of poverty. This social enterprise is dedicated to empowering girls and women in rural Bangladesh through education. We aim to bridge the significant gap in achieving gender equality within society.
By easing the financial strain on lower-income families, Mohioshi enables girls to pursue their studies. Ensuring girls can attend and complete school is essential for empowering them and improving the lives of all genders. Girls who receive a quality education tend to become healthier, more productive adults. They are less likely to marry early and are more likely to have formal employment and higher earnings.
Poverty is a crucial determinant of whether a girl attends school. Research consistently demonstrates that girls facing multiple disadvantages – such as low family income, living in remote or underserved areas, having a disability, or belonging to a minority ethnolinguistic group – are the least likely to attend and complete school. Education equips girls with the necessary foundation for success, enhancing the future of their families, communities, and respective nations.
Mohioshi supports girls and women by providing everything needed to continue their studies. This includes school fees, uniforms, books, and exam fees, all funded through the scholarships they receive from us. We also ensure they have a community and a safe place to meet, study, and broaden their horizons at the Mohioshi den in Barashia.

Our Story
Mohioshi’s story began with a man’s realisation of his male privilege, understanding that his mother’s lack of opportunities were due to her gender. This sparked a deep desire and sense of social responsibility to make a change. Consequently, they decided to establish Mohioshi.
Our mission is to educate, empower and support girls and women in rural Bangladesh through scholarships that allow them to continue their studies in primary, secondary and higher education.Mohioshi supports girls and women by providing everything needed to continue their studies. This includes school fees, uniforms, books, and exam fees, all funded through the scholarships they receive from us. We also ensure they have a community and a safe place to meet, study, and broaden their horizons at the Mohioshi den in Barashia.
Being born female often means not receiving the same rights and opportunities as males in many parts of the world, particularly in developing or underdeveloped countries. Globally, there are 132 million girls out of school. This includes 34.3 million of primary school age, 30 million of lower-secondary school age, and 67.4 million of upper-secondary school age. Despite comprising 50% of the population, this gender is frequently denied the basic right to education. Gender disparities in education persist, even though evidence shows how crucial girls’ education is to societal development.
Statistics indicate that educating and thereby empowering girls can lead to dramatic improvements in their lives and the lives of those around them. The benefits include:
- A significant increase in girls’ lifetime earnings
- An increase in national growth rates
- A decline in child marriage rates
- A reduction in child mortality rates
- A decrease in maternal mortality rates
Mohioshi is committed to providing equal opportunities for girls in Bangladesh to continue their education. We believe that through education, girls can not only transform their own lives, but also those of their families and communities. Education paves the way for employment, independence, and financial stability.
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My Location
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Call: +44 7864 379029
E-mail: info@mohioshi.org